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Field Journal: Learning on the Job

As seen in the Tried & True Winter 2025 issue

When you’ve been in the game for a while, it’s easy to think you’ve seen it all. You’ve got the experience, you know the ropes and there’s a certain pride that comes with that. But here’s the thing: no matter how long you’ve been at it, there’s always something new to learn. And the best workers? They’re the ones who never stop learning.

Keep an Open Mind

No matter how well you know your job, there’s always something new to learn. Each day offers a chance to find a better way to do things, whether through a tip from a coworker or a lesson from a mistake. Staying open-minded isn’t about admitting you don’t know everything–it’s about recognizing there’s always room to improve. Simply listening to others, whether they’re new with fresh ideas or seasoned with experience, can bring valuable insights that make your job easier. Sometimes, the best ideas come from the least expected sources.

Stay Humble, Stay Wise

Humility isn’t about downplaying your skills; you can be an expert and still learn more. The smartest workers are the ones who keep learning and aren’t afraid to ask questions. This attitude improves your skills and earns you the respect of your team.

Put It into Practice

When you hear about a new way to do something, instead of brushing it off with an “if it ain’t broke” mentality, try it out. If it turns out to be better, great. If not, you’ve learned something new. The key is to keep experimenting, and never settle for “good enough.” We should strive to improve daily, which means being willing to learn more.