Field Journal: Winter Layers

When the temperature drops and the wind starts to bite, everyone knows that layering up is the way to go. But have you ever wondered why piling on those layers actually keeps you warm? It’s not just about throwing on more clothes–it’s about doing it right.

Field Journal: Learning on the Job

When you’ve been in the game for a while, it’s easy to think you’ve seen it all. You’ve got the experience, you know the ropes and there’s a certain pride that comes with that. But here’s the thing: no matter how long you’ve been at it, there’s always something new to learn. And the best workers? They’re the ones who never stop learning.

Field Journal: Building Connections That Count

Staying mentally strong isn’t just for desk jockeys or puzzle lovers. When you’re out in the field, keeping your mind tough is just as important as staying physically fit. Here’s how you can keep your head in the game:

Field Journal: Staying Mentally Fit

Staying mentally strong isn’t just for desk jockeys or puzzle lovers. When you’re out in the field, keeping your mind tough is just as important as staying physically fit. Here’s how you can keep your head in the game:

Field Journal: Building from Feedback

Whether it’s from customers, coworkers or the boss, feedback is like a roadmap to doing things better. Here’s how to take that feedback and use it to up your game.

Field Journal: Sustainability on Site

Windmills in field

In today’s world, going green isn’t just for the tree-huggers. It’s smart, it’s necessary and it’s something we can all get behind. Whether you’re on a construction site, in a workshop or running a warehouse, there are straightforward ways to make your worksite tougher on waste and kinder to the planet.

Field Journal: Fuel Your Day Right

Man driving truck holding thermos

Out in the field, on a construction site or traveling between jobs, there’s nothing quite like a warm meal to fuel your day. Sometimes cold sandwiches or paying for fast food just doesn’t cut it. Remember the thermos of hot food mom used to send you to school with? A thermos can be a game-changer if you’re looking for hot lunches no matter where you are, especially during those long days out in a cold, windy field.

Field Journal: Protecting Your Hands From Winter Woes

Man moistening hands with lotion

The toil of the trade in winter climates can often lead to one pesky issue: dry hands. Whether you’re handling drainage pipe or shaking hands with a customer, maintaining healthy hands is the best way to keep up with any job.