Meet Mark Richardson

Mark Richardson headshot
As seen in the Tried & True Spring 2024 issue

Back in January 2018, Mark Richardson started his journey with Fratco, coming from an impressive 30-year stint in the automotive industry. But it wasn’t just a switch of jobs for Mark; it was the beginning of a new chapter in a career marked by constant growth and learning.

When Mark initially joined the Fratco team he began on the production floor, quickly moving up to maintenance, then to a supervisor role and eventually to where he stands today–Plant Manager.

Each step of his journey was filled with diverse challenges–from dealing with machine breakages to managing employees and juggling the complexities of parts ordering while still overseeing the entire maintenance operation. It’s this variety, this daily test of skill and resilience, that keeps Mark driven.

He credits Fratco for seeing his capabilities and giving him room for growth, particularly in taking on new responsibilities and honing his ability to work effectively with people.

Just the fact that they helped build me up to this position… I appreciate what they have done for me and the trust that they have given me.”

For those considering a career at Fratco, Mark’s advice is straightforward: “It’s a great place to be, with solid and rewarding work. I encourage people to apply.”

Mark’s belief in the quality of Fratco’s product is unwavering. “Customers choose us because we make the best pipe on the planet,” he states confidently. It’s a belief rooted not just in pride for the product but in the hard work and dedication that goes into each piece of pipe.

Mark Richardson’s story is more than just a career trajectory; it’s a testament to Fratco’s commitment to its people and quality. It’s a story of a man who joined a team and found a family, a place where every challenge is an opportunity to grow and every day is a step towards excellence.