Filtering Success

sock filter on pipe

In the heart of our thriving Fratco community lies a commitment to excellence, one of many traits vividly shared with our valued partner, Carriff Engineered Fabrics. Carriff’s sales and marketing director, Shayne Stonehouse, met with us to help tell Carriff’s story and give us an inside look at what drives this partnership.

Where does the Water Go?

River map

As drainage experts, we’re not just laying pipe; we’re key players in guiding water through these natural pathways. Whether it’s a small creek in a rural area or a large urban canal, our work is part of a larger cycle that ensures water flows where it should, reducing flooding and erosion.

Field Journal: Sustainability on Site

Windmills in field

In today’s world, going green isn’t just for the tree-huggers. It’s smart, it’s necessary and it’s something we can all get behind. Whether you’re on a construction site, in a workshop or running a warehouse, there are straightforward ways to make your worksite tougher on waste and kinder to the planet.

From Polymers to Pipe

hand reaching into recycled resin

At the heart of Fratco’s advanced corrugated drainage pipe lies the intricate chemistry and sophisticated makeup of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and high-density polypropylene (HDPP). These materials are not just plastics; they are marvels of modern chemical engineering, tailored to meet the rigorous demands of many products including drainage infrastructure.

Adapting & Thriving in the Field

Truck and excavator in field installing pipe

In the heart of Mazon, IL, there’s a company that embodies the spirit of hard work and versatility—Precision Farm Drainage, Inc. At the helm of this dynamic outfit are Dan Wilkinson and his right-hand man, Tyler Cockerham. Both work together to keep this multifaceted operation running smoothly.

Blueprint for Success: The Path to Outrageous Success

shovel standing in dirt

Outrageous success, as grand as it sounds, isn’t a far-fetched dream. It’s the cumulative result of small, consistent steps forward. It’s in learning from each project, celebrating the wins and learning from the setbacks. In an industry that’s the backbone of infrastructure and development, every bit of progress counts.


flooded field

Rainfall, a vital component of nature’s cycle, is eagerly anticipated by growers worldwide. It’s the heartbeat of agriculture, quenching thirsty crops and nurturing soil. However, this natural gift can quickly turn into a challenge when it becomes excessive.

Meet Mark Richardson

Mark Richardson headshot

Back in January 2018, Mark Richardson started his journey with Fratco, coming from an impressive 30-year stint in the automotive industry. But it wasn’t just a switch of jobs for Mark; it was the beginning of a new chapter in a career marked by constant growth and learning.

ADMC Corner with Keegan Kult

Keegan Kult thumbnail

After successfully launching the Batch & Build program, a story featured in the fall issue of Tried & True, a similar program is also taking off in Iowa, Minnesota and Ohio. This program named, “Turn-Key,” is the same practice being implemented, “saturated buffers,” but with a more streamlined channel for project management and funding. The aforementioned states have incredible funding opportunities that could lead to up to 100% of cost share coverage.